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Who is contraindicated to tattoos


Contraindications to tattoos are an important issue for everyone who plans and prepares for sessions. In addition to the fact that you should be as ready as possible for the appearance of a drawing on your body, there are a number of physiological features in which tattoo artists have the right to refuse you work.

Why it is impossible to do tattoos with certain diseases, what applies to them, we will analyze in more detail in the article.

Permanent contraindications: a complete ban on tattoos

The type of contraindications associated with chronic diseases. What is included here?

Blood diseases: hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, fibrinopenia

These disorders of the circulatory system are associated with heavy bleeding. That is, any damage to the skin can lead to problems during the session.

For example, severe bleeding will wash out the pigment, which will lead to uneven filling, uneven contours.


This disease is associated with skin regeneration processes. With diabetes, healing is worse and takes longer. That is, if, in the normal state of the body, the tattoo heals in 5-6 days, then with diabetes it may take a couple of months.

At the tattoo session, the client experiences painful sensations. The body produces adrenaline and consumes sugar from the blood in increased volumes. It is also contraindicated for patients with diabetes.

Who else can’t get a tattoo?

Such conditions of the body require regular monitoring and treatment. Only your doctor can tell you whether you can get tattoos or not.

Temporary ban on tattoos

Do you observe sudden disturbances or unusual changes in blood pressure? Postpone the session until it is fully normalized.

Is the skin experiencing bad times? Old diseases have become inflamed, seasonal allergies have returned? Discuss the transfer of the session with your master.

Are you sick? Caught a cold? Is the temperature rising? The tattoo will wait, let the body heal and recover.

It is undesirable to get a tattoo during breastfeeding, during menstruation.
No master will agree to work with you if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Is it possible to get a tattoo before the age of 18?

No. Definitely not. Hormones, maximalism, concealment of information from parents – all these are weighty reasons to wait for adulthood.

Important! If you have any contraindications, be honest with your master. Do not hide the disease. This can lead to undesirable consequences not only in the form of poor-quality work, but also to serious health problems.

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